Skyrocket your Shopify store organic growth with curated SEO content on autopilot

Automated, expert-curated content for your Shopify store, designed to boost your SEO rankings and engage your audience

Why use shopiwriter?

Here are a few reasons why successful stores use ShopiWriter.

Keyword Research

In the digital age, visibility is currency. ShopiWriter prioritizes keyword research because:

User Intent
By understanding what potential customers search for, we ensure your content aligns with their needs, driving targeted traffic.
Competitive Analysis
We analyze competitors to identify gaps and opportunities, positioning your store to capitalize on untapped keywords.
Long-Tail Focus
While high-volume keywords are tempting, long-tail keywords often bring in more specific, conversion-ready traffic. Our team ensures a balance, catering to both broad and niche audiences.

Copywriting Frameworks

Content isn't just about filling space, it's a strategic tool. With ShopiWriter, you benefit from:

Persuasion Techniques
Utilizing proven copywriting frameworks like AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) and PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solve) to motivate and convert readers.
Audience Resonance
We craft content that resonates with your target audience, addressing their pain points, desires, and aspirations.
Clear CTA
Good content is created with a clear call-to-action, directing readers toward the desired outcome, be it a purchase, sign-up, or more.

Technical SEO

In a vast digital marketplace, standing out is crucial. With ShopiWriter, you're guaranteed

Optimal Structure
Our content adheres to best practices in HTML structure, ensuring it's easily crawlable and indexable by search engines.
Load Time Consideration
Heavy content can slow down sites. We optimize content to maintain swift site speeds, a key SEO ranking factor.
EAT Principles
Our content abides by Google's Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness principles, further amplifying its credibility and rank potential.

good content is king

Don't take our word for it. See what experts are saying about content.

In many cases, a great piece of content is the moment when your relationship with the customer begins, and that content is going to be with them through every step of the customer journey.
Content is king, but marketing is queen, and runs the household. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a small business, or a Fortune 500 company, great marketing is all about telling your story in such a way that it compels people to buy what you are selling. That's a constant.
"Better content is outweighing more content"

"When it comes to content and content marketing, you probably want to err on the side of making things SUPER amazing, not MVP"

How it works?

This service is specifically tailored for Shopify stores.

ShopiWriter is custom-built for Shopify stores. Effortlessly on autopilot, we combine eCommerce know-how with premier content strategies. Every article perfectly fits your niche, seamlessly integrating and propelling results on Shopify.


Personalized Onboarding

Begin with our streamlined onboarding process. Provide insights about your store, competitors, and preferences to help us understand you better.

Article Suggestions

Our AI will analyze your input and current store content, suggesting relevant keywords and article ideas tailored to your niche.

Choose Your Automation Level

Decide between full autopilot content posting or opt for a manual review and approval process for each piece.

Pick the Right Package

Select from our range of packages, each designed to cater to different needs and store sizes.

Revise & Approve

If you choose to approve before publishing, review the articles we curate for you, and if they're not just right, request revisions to ensure every post aligns perfectly with your vision and brand voice. Your satisfaction with each piece is paramount.

Focus on Your Store

With content taken care of, channel your energies into what you do best - managing and growing your Shopify store.


Unlock Unlimited Potential with SEO-Optimized Content

Every article we curate for your Shopify store is backed by in-depth research and SEO strategies, ensuring you not only captivate your audience but also climb the search engine ranks. Dive deep into the world of SEO benefits and watch your metrics surge.


Average ROI hike after implementing SEO


Average traffic increase after 3 months of SEO blogging

What Makes Us Different?

We make content marketing outsourcing look easy.

Seamless integration

ShopiWriter is integrated into the Shopify ecosystem, ensuring seamless integration and process automation.

AI Suggestion Tool

ShopiWriter has a built-in AI Suggestion and Topic Research tool available for store owners on all subscription levels.


ShopiWriter is designed to take the stress of content marketing completely off your shoulders.

Ease of use

The onboarding process will not take more than 5 minutes.  

Our Pricing

Choose the right plan for your Shopify Store's Growth


Basic Plan

4 Articles/month
800 Word Articles
3 Licensed images per article
On-Page SEO
Basic Keyword Research
Basic Copywriting Frameworks
2 Revisions
Choose Plan


Pro Plan

6 Articles/month
1200 Word Articles
4-5 Licensed images per article
On-Page SEO
Advanced Keyword Research
Advanced Copywriting Frameworks
3 Revisions
Choose Plan


Premium Plan

8 Articles/month
1500 Word Articles
5-6 Licensed images per article
On-Page SEO
Advanced Keyword Research
Advanced Copywriting Frameworks
Competitors Keywords gap analysis
Internal and External Linking
Articles pushed to Index
4 Revisions
Choose Plan

Is the content AI generated?

No, the content is not solely AI-generated. While we utilize AI tools like OpenAI to assist in topic suggestions and initial drafts, every piece of content is reviewed, refined, and optimized by our team of SEO experts and professional writers. This ensures that the articles are not only relevant and high-quality but also tailored to your specific niche and audience. Our approach combines the best of both worlds: the efficiency of AI with the expertise and creativity of humans.

What is internal and external linking?

Internal Linking: Links connecting pages within your website, enhancing navigation, and distributing SEO value across the site, for example, links between articles or to your products.
External Linking: Links pointing to or from other domains, boosting credibility and indicating content value to search engines, according to Google's E-A-T Algorithm.

Where do you source the images for my articles? Are they licensed?

All images we include in your articles are sourced from reputable stock photo platforms and are fully licensed for commercial use.

Can I adjust my package or features after I've started?

Absolutely! You can upgrade, downgrade, or adjust features to suit your changing needs at any time.

How does the article approval process work?

Before any content goes live, you'll have the opportunity to review and approve or suggest edits if you've selected that option during setup.
Articles will be scheduled according to the plan, but will not be published until approved. If approved later than the scheduled time, articles will be posted at the time of approval, without shifting future article scheduled dates.

How often will the articles be published and what is their schedule?

Articles are published based on your chosen package frequency.
Basic Package: 1 article every Tuesday.
Pro Package: 1 article every Tuesday and 1 article every other Friday.
Premium Package: 2 articles per week, scheduled on Tuesday and Friday.
Publishing days are chosen based on statistics of the best times to post in terms of conversion, user engagement, and article visibility.

Can I provide my own keywords or topics for articles?

Absolutely! During the onboarding process, you can suggest specific keywords or topics. Our writers will take them into account while crafting content.

What if I'm not satisfied with an article?

If you're not pleased with the content, you can request revisions or discuss your concerns with our team. Your satisfaction is our priority.